Use egg whites and paper towel to make a peel-off face mask Apply the egg white and cover it with a paper towel to make a peel-off egg mask Dip a clean cosmetic brush into the whisked egg whites and apply a thin layer on your face. Apply strips of thin paper towel over your face to make a peel-off mask. Or simply wet your face with a washcloth dipped in warm water to get the same result. Separate egg white from – eggs and whisk it well.
How to make an Egg White Face Mask. Whisk the egg whites up into a lemon light froth, you want them to be white but in no way firm. Egg White Baking Soda Mask The fine granules of baking soda act as an effective exfoliant that removes the dead skin cells and dirt that cause blackheads.
Have an egg white or two in a bowl (depending on how big the area that needs to be covered is). Use a makeup brush to paint the egg white onto your skin. Lay the paper towel over it. If you’re prone to acne or pimples, this is how to use egg white face mask : Apply egg white on your entire face.

Then let the whole mask dry. Put the paper towel over your face, over the egg white. You can whisk the egg so that it’s easier to apply. Leave the egg white mask on your skin for at least half an hour. Apply second layer of egg whites to the paper towels and first layer to make the mask tighten your faced more and feel so, So, sO good.