We Help Women To Look And Feel Their Best Every Day. Discount will be applied at basket. Some of the functions of the rice face mask are exfoliating, moisturize, light up, to treat wrinkles and acne. There are different modalities for its use: in rice water , in rice flour mask , with honey, among other variants. Instea save the grains for stir fry and use rice flour or rice water to make a homemade rice facial mask.

A rice facial mask is suitable for all skin types,. Now we are going to make the facial mask or serum. Keep boiling the rice until is soft but make sure is not completely dry.
Now blend it until it looks like puree. When the rice is cooke strain it. Do not dispose of the liquid. Wash the boiled and drained rice in cold water, and add tablespoon of warm milk in it. Add cups of water to your cup of rice.
Let it sit for mins. Then use your fork or spoon to stir. Then drain your rice and put the water in the empty container. Before we give you the steps, some points to consider: Apply the facial rice mask regularly and religiously. Old Japanese Recipe : Do This Once A Week And You Will Look Years Younger.
Rice water is also useful. Instructions In a small mixing bowl, add the rice flour, then slowly add water and mix until a creamy paste forms. Apply a thin layer to the face with a brush, avoiding the eye area.