Wednesday 23 September 2015

Benefits of turmeric and honey mask

What health benefits does turmeric provide? Is turmeric adaptogen and what are the benefits? Can you use a turmeric and honey mask every day? Check out the recipe, here. Here are four reasons to put turmeric on your face: 1. Curcumin, the active ingredient in turmeric that also gives it that characteristic deep mustard color , is kind of a big deal when it comes to inflammation.

Benefits of turmeric and honey mask

Turmeric is anti-inflammatory. It reduces inflammation and facial redness, and promotes skin healing. Due to turmeric’s antioxidant properties, it has been used for skin rejuvenation. It helps softening lines and wrinkles, giving the face a more youthful appearance. Women in India and other parts of Asia use turmeric masks for skin rejuvenation and to soften the appearance of lines and wrinkles.

Regular use of a turmeric face mask is also believed to lighten uneven pigmentation and promote soft, supple skin. It can reduce the amount of tiny red spots and breakouts that occur on the skin thanks to its skin-calming properties. Milk , honey , and turmeric face masks are great for clearing up pimples and acne. The lactic acid in the milk contains alpha hydroxy acids (AHAs), which clear away dead skin cells.

At the same time, honey is an antioxidant that helps get rid of the free radicals that cause flare-ups and break-outs. Make your own glowing skin turmeric face mask. Mix flour, turmeric , honey and milk to make a paste.

Indian brides have long used turmeric body scrubs and face masks to purify and cleanse their bodies as well as provide a healthy glow by brightening their skin right before their weddings. You can also use yogurt to fight acne. This face mask contains anti-inflammatory and antiseptic properties which kill acne-causing bacteria.

It cleanses, hydrates and nourishes the skin of all types. Its healing properties remove acne scars , blemishes, and age spots on the skin. This turmeric and honey face mask helps cleanse and brighten the skin , treat acne and reduce dark circles under the eyes. Combine tablespoon of tumeric and tablespoons of honey to form a paste. Apply the turmeric and honey paste evenly all over the face.

You may want to try a turmeric face mask at home to see if the spice has any positive effects on your skin. Tumeric face mask Benefits. This mixture is the best medicine to treat a cough naturally. Treats Cold: Cold mostly occurs in people due to the winter season or cold weather. Sore Throat Relief: A sore throat can be cured by using the mixture of honey.

Benefits of turmeric and honey mask

Honey is also rich in antioxidants that can help reduce fine wrinkles and sagging skin. It, Reduces acne inflammation on skin. Kills acne causing bacteria.

Purifies blood for faster outgrowth of skin. Protects skin from sun damage. To make this basic turmeric mask , combine some honey , yogurt or milk with a few tablespoons of turmeric in a bowl. Mix this until it forms a smooth paste and applies on freshly washed skin. Leave this mask on for at least minutes before washing off.

Brides in India use a turmeric mask before the ceremony. Inflammation and irritation can aggravate other skin conditions, so using turmeric as a regular face mask can help. Yogurt has been recognised to offer a slew of skin perks on its own, so I decided to use heaping teaspoon plain Greek yogurt in my mask.

Taking turmeric supplements or raw honey and turmeric can benefit your health if you are diabetic.

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