Monday 10 December 2018

Banana honey and lemon face mask

Banana honey and lemon face mask

We Help Women To Look And Feel Their Best Every Day. Discount will be applied at basket. This face mask can be a bit drippy, so be sure to wear clothing you don’t mind getting dirty. Banana , honey , and lemon juice face mask. We had banana and honey , and banana and lemon juice separately.

Banana honey and lemon face mask

But if you want a potent face mask , this is it. DIY banana face mask can help to calm and clean skin for the change of the seasons. Add honey and lemon juice to the. By Kelsey- Radiant Life.

Peel banana , cut in half, and place one side in a small bowl (the other half will not be needed so feel free to eat it). Mash up the banana and honey with a fork until smooth. Honey is a natural healer. It was even used by Egyptians for treating there wounds and cuts.

Not only you can eat a banana for your overall heath, but apply it also on your skin as a natural face mask. Here is a rundown on face masks that can be made by using banana as the main ingredient, especially selected by our team, that can provide you with glowing, young and wrinkle free skin. How to make a banana face mask?

What are the benefits of banana mask? Is honey good for face mask? Add a few drops of lemon or orange essential oil (you can buy it here) or some lemon juice.

Keep on the face for minutes and rince off with cool water. Mask with banana yogurt and honey affects your skin in several ways. It promotes good blood circulation due to the honey deep penetration into the pores.

Yogurt frees the skin from old cells. Peeling effect will be weaker than in the yogurt with honey mask , but that one acts more sensitively. All you need is one small, ripe banana (one half of a large banana will also work), two teaspoons honey , and one teaspoon lemon juice.

Mash the banana in a bowl with a fork. To use, wash your face with warm water and a mild soap. Pat dry and massage the banana mask onto your face and neck, avoiding your eyes.

Making homemade facial masks can be fun, and it can also be economical. One popular combination for a homemade facial mask is banana , honey and yogurt. Bananas are nutrient-rich, so they nourish the skin.

The banana is great for oily skin. The honey is full of anti-bacterial qualities so is actually really good for spots. The lemon (or you can use orange, but it has to come from the actual orange) juice is also there just to cleanse and add a nice zest.

For best , put the ingredients in a blender. Apply to face for minutes before rinsing with a cool washcloth or a steaming warm washcloth. Add the juice of the lemon or orange. This blend of banana , honey , and lemon is meant to.

Banana honey and lemon face mask

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