So once you’ve done a basic assessment of the skin, use the turmeric face pack for dry skin or go for this alternate version for oily or acne prone skin: Take a couple of spoons of turmeric powder, add a few drops of lemon juice or rosewater, if that’s your preference. Make a paste and apply it on face. Once dry, wash it off with cold water. To make the pack , use heaped teaspoons gram flour, one teaspoon lemon juice and 3-teaspoon of raw milk. Apply the paste on the face and neck.
Leave the pack to dry for about minutes. Thereafter, take little milk and rub the pack on the face for about minutes and rinse with cold water. Dry skin always requires extra moisturization and hydration irrespective of the weather. The situation becomes worse during the winter and the extreme summers. The following face packs will provide natural moisturization to the skin and the turmeric will add a glow to your face.
Cream, Gram Flour, And. Powder a few almonds, around five to six should be enough. Add this to the besan, and pour in a little milk and some lemon juice to make a mixture that is not too watery or too thick. Keep it for minutes then wash off with normal water.
While rinsing gently massage your skin to scrub off the dead skin cells. To prepare this pack , take ½ teaspoonful of haldi powder and mix that with teaspoonful of milk. With the help of your finger tips spread this lotion like pack on the entire face and leave it for overnight.
S Rice Flour ( Forgot to mention in the Video) 1. I am sharing besan and haldi face mask, besan. Alternatively, mix two tbsp of gram flour, half tsp of turmeric and three tbsp of fresh thick yogurt. Wash your face using cold water. This face pack is meant for dry skin. Turmeric is a spice that is popularly known as haldi.

I hope you are enjoying these DIY posts and also achieving good after using them regularly. Use your fingertips to apply this face pack all over your face and neck. Let it sit for some time and then massage your face with a light hand for about minutes at a stretch. Then wash it off with running tap water. Pat dry your face with a clean towel.
From the first use, you will able to notice a difference in your skin. Contains packs of 120g Chandan Kesar Haldi Fairness Face Pack Saffron is popular as a complexion lightening and have the ability to lighten acne scars and tanne pigmented or blemished skin, and even out and moisturize dry skin. Its great for skin lightening, removing acne scars and for getting even skin tone.

So girls, go ahead and. You might want to use this pack. You can also use plain yogurt, but the measurements might be different. You can get some on the back of your neck and on your ears, but not in them.
Let’s look at some face packs you can make at home with turmeric as the main ingredient. Red sandalwood helps reduce body heat, helps fade acne scars. This pack is effective in controlling acne.
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