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Please note that this third-party website is not controlled by Care Pharmaceuticals or subject to our privacy policy. Priceline has a wide range of Health products available online. In other words, it’s a great tasting rehydration solution the whole family can drink, scientifically formulated to restore vital electrolytes in your body when you’re dehydrated.
Relieves muscle cramps, symptoms of dehydration and helps enhance exercise performance. And for us, “real” means clinical hydration validated by science. There is a scientifically proven way to deliver your body the fluid it needs to rapidly rehydrate. Pharmacist Only Medicine - Pharmacist advice is required to purchase this product.

This electrolyte powder easily dissolves into water, creating a solution that rapidly replaces the fluid and electrolytes in your body to relieve dehydration. Add to Cart Quick Info Compare Compare. Electrolyte Powder sachets are a family first aid kit must-have. Hydralyte Ready To Drink Orange 250ml Solu.
Available at a retailer near you. Book Now On Your Mobile Device! Each compact carrying tube contains dissolvable tablets. Just drop tablets into 2mL of water to create a clinical hydration solution.

These ready-to-consume electrolyte drinks are designed to provide rapid rehydration with 4x the electrolytes and up to less sugar than the leading sports drinks. These ready-to-drink electrolyte beverages are clinically formulated based on World Health Organization standards for rehydration. Each pack comes with a convenient 2mL measuring cup.
Always read the label. Follow the directions for use. Seek medical advice if diarrhoea persists for more than:- hours in infants. When frozen cut open one end with clean scissors.

Suck small amounts until consumed. It contains the correct balance of electrolytes and glucose required for rapid rehydration. View current specials and get free NZ delivery when you spend over $100. The formulation is based on the World Health Organization criteria for effective rehydration. Is hypotonic which is the most rapidly absorbed fluid type for rehydration of body cells.
Oranges and blackcurrants for example contain small concentrations. Our flavour supplier advises that the level of salicylates is either very small or there are none in our orange flavour.
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